Location: Friendswood, Texas, United States

Friday, September 16, 2005

New professional direction?

Today has been so very exciting and wonderful!

I went to a first interview for a research position at UTMB in the pediatric virology department. The position would be one in which I would be developing protocols for the testing of the efficacy of a small pox vaccine. Just as manned space flight brought incredible innovations to the aerobic microbiology lab - enabling the identification and sensitivities of pathogens to be accomplished faster in higher volumes than before; I believe that this project will eventually change the whole approch to clinical virology we currently employ. It is just thrilling that I would be considered for such a position. The interview went really well, I seemed to click with all four researchers, was able to effectively answer their questions and resolved most of the questions I had. It would be a good idea for me to know the backgrounds of the other researchers more throughly before beginning work there so that I will know who I can call upon for support with different challenges. Other than that, they were very open in discussing the job requirements and expectations.

This evening, 18 young women from my daughter's cross country team came over to the house for pasta. In the picture, she is last row, second from the right (tallest one). I started cooking two evenings ago making the meatballs and scalding and peeling tomatoes. Yesterday evening, I went to the grocery and cooked the tomatoe sauce, mushrooms and shrimp. Today, all that was left was to warm the garlic bread, heat the meatballs in the tomatoe sauce, cook the white sauce with shrimp, artichokes, and mushrooms, cook the pasta, toss the salad, and mix the punch - less than 2 hours. Helen cooked an apple crisp that we served with blue bell coffee ice cream for dessert. All the girls really liked the choices of red meatball sauce or white shrimp sauces for the pasta. Most went for both, some tried first one then came back for seconds trying the other. It was a hugh success! Helen's cross country team is such a nice group of girls. Helen led them in a prayer before they served themselves - they also pray together before races. It seems to help keep them focused and reminds them what is ultimately important. Even though there is constant competition between them (only the fastest seven each week are able to run varsity), they are always nice and supportive of one another.

I am tired, but happy.


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